Bali, Indonesia

Villa Bedugul sits on a beautiful hill in Bedugul, Bali, Indonesia. This villa features a unique contrast, where the massing of the building is far from conventional, yet the use of materials and the facade emphasize traditionality. The idea is to create a modern building while preserving the local characteristic. The roof and the figure-ground relationship of traditional Balinese architecture, “panggung“,  have become the main concept of the whole building. The site is a beautiful paddy field where the building slightly touches the ground. Thus, We are concerned about the minimal impact on the environment.

The interior uses concrete, wood, and stone as the dominant materials. It contains a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom, and a service area. The corridors that lead to other parts of the house are designed with large windows and an indoor water feature, to create a delightful space experience for the user, and also a way to create a breezy atmosphere. This villa also features a semi-outdoor relaxing space beneath some part of the second story, which provides a view of the valley.

Instead of the typical roofing, the roof in this villa is separated in the middle, and the space between them is utilized as a rooftop garden for the owner to ease and unwind. It also creates a division between the public/private living area.



Berlokasi di perbukitan Bedugul, Bali, villa ini dirancang dengan gagasan modern dari konsep arsitektur tradisional Bali, “rumah panggung”. Hasil rancangannya menampilkan kontras yang unik antara massa bangunannya yang jauh dari kata konvensional, dengan rancangan fasad dan penggunaan material yang mencerminkan tradisionalitasnya. Melalui konsep “rumah panggung”, karakteristik lokal dapat dipertahankan, dan dampak lingkungan dari aktivitas pembangunan dapat diminimalisir.

Koridor sebagai penghibung kedua massa bangunan dilengkapi dengan jendela besar dan fitur air dalam ruang untuk menciptakan pengalaman dan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi pengguna. Massa dan atap dipisahkan di tengah, menciptakan ruang semi terbuka yang dapat dimanfaatkan pengguna untuk menikmati suasana sekitar.