Merle 12


Merle 12 is a townhouse located in South Jakarta. It features a roof that continues to the sides, creating a unique touch to the facade. Elements of wood give a tropical vibe to the house, giving a sense of warmth to the user. The elevated entrance area is designed with the resemblance of a floating look. The massing is designed with distinct diagonal shapes to create a signature character for the cluster. The interiors are designed with a clean look with wood elements. It is also designed with sustainable elements in mind, by incorporating large windows in order to allow natural sunlight to enter, therefore enabling energy conservation for the owners.



Dalam merespon keterbatasan lahan dan overpriced property, townhouse ini dirancang tiga lantai sehingga menghasilkan desain hunian yang compact dan terjangkau. Massanya menampilkan atap diagonal yang unik, menaungi attic living space di bawahnya. Fasadnya memiliki tampilan modern, dengan sentuhan kayu yang memberikan kesan hangat dan tropis. Setiap lantai rumah dirancang dengan teras yang memiliki akses ke ruang terbuka, membuat penghuni merasa terkoneksi dengan alam di sekitarnya.